We have made quality our habit. It’s not something that we just strive for – we live by this principle every day.

While most of the things about the creative process will be forgotten, the excellence of our products and services will be remembered.

BakeEZ is a revolutionary bakery delivery app designed to make your bakery cravings effortless and enjoyable. Say goodbye to language barriers and usability challenges as BakeEZ offers a user-friendly experience that transcends cultures.

>>> See Presentation | Prototype

person holding ice cream cone with ice creamperson holding ice cream cone with ice cream
variety of breadsvariety of breads
man standing inside kitchen roomman standing inside kitchen room
FoodShare - The cross-platform tool connects those facing food scarcity with community resources. Designed for both mobile and desktop, it emphasizes inclusivity with multilingual and accessibility features. Its core aim is fostering trustful interactions to combat hunger collectively.

>>> See Presentation | Prototype

Cooking tutorials - User Story:

“As a cooking enthusiast, I want to see the difficulty level and estimated completion time of each tutorial so that I can select one that fits my skill level and available time.”

>>> See Prototype

Quality, not quantity

Disclaimer: This is an example of e-commerce project.
If you have enquiry, please contact me.