Google UX Design Specialization

Demonstration Projects

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white printer paper beside black and gray calculator
white printer paper beside black and gray calculator
BakeEZ is a revolutionary bakery delivery app designed to make your bakery cravings effortless and enjoyable. Say goodbye to language barriers and usability challenges as BakeEZ offers a user-friendly experience that transcends cultures.

>>> See Project Presentation | Prototype

five gray spoons filled with assorted-color powders near chillifive gray spoons filled with assorted-color powders near chilli
bowl of tomatoes served on person handbowl of tomatoes served on person hand
FoodShare - The cross-platform tool connects those facing food scarcity with community resources. Designed for both mobile and desktop, it emphasizes inclusivity with multilingual and accessibility features. Its core aim is fostering trustful interactions to combat hunger collectively.

>>> See Project Presentation | Prototype

”Every day, they strive to improve their service to the clients by developing the right blend of technology and creativity to make sure every job done is done as efficiently as possible.”

- Joyce Gould